Do you remember the rule of three, from maths? Well, it works for your nutrition, too ;)
Joke apart, to lose weight healthily, to better organize your food and to eat balanced, take into account one of the most basic nutrition rules: the 3h rule, which simply says:
"Always eat in function of what you plan doing in the following 3 hours."
(or 4h max, if you are over 50yo or you suffer from a medical condition that tends to slow down your metabolism)
Basically, eat in function of what's on your agenda, and match your fuel with your planned activity, to support your energy the best.
It's a simple, wonderful rule - and if we apply it consistently (also during weekends and holiday times ;) ), we get to our ideal, healthy weight naturally, with no diet needed, ever!
Think of your car: you always put fuel before taking a ride, no? And you'd never race with an almost empty tank...
Let's learn to apply the same simple, common-sense rule for our bodies!
1. Do I plan to sit in front of the computer for the following hours?
Then I don't need a lot of calories!
I stay away from fast sugars and I eat enough protein, good fats (fuel for the brain) and fiber (so that I keep pleasantly full), also small amounts of slow carbs. And I don't forget to drink enough water :)
Food ideas:
- cooked veggies (steamed, in the oven, wok) + piece of fish + 2 tablespoons of rice/ quinoa/ pasta
- lentils or beans salad + piece of lean meat + 1/2 avocado
- sweet potatoes (steamed or in the oven) + 2 eggs + paprika/ fennel salad
As dessert (if needed be...): a few nuts and seeds or 10-15g dark chocolate (if you tolerate it).
2. Planning a workout in the next 3h?
Please keep in mind that:
- not all workouts are equal in terms of calorie expenditure (a 1h bike ride, 1h pilates and 1h hike will differ A LOT)
- the length and intensity of your workout are most important
- use your regular, balanced meals to fuel your upcoming workout, up to 1h before the workout (ex. say that you had lunch at 13h and you want to train at 14h30, you don't need a snack! and you shouldn't train at 13h30 either, as you'll likely be uncomfortably full)
When the previous meal was 2-3h or longer ago, plan for a snack, just 15-20min before the workout.
One can use fast sugars 15-20min before the workout (to keep the energy high during training) and less fiber (too much fiber will keep the tummy too full and may feel uncomfortable).
Food ideas:
Before your workout, have your... "sin of the day", if the case: a small cake will give you energy, but you will burn those calories during your training, too.
A banana or a few dates would also work wonderfully and are healthier choices, though ;)
And a bit of good fats - teaspoon of nut butter or a small handful of mixed nuts would bring value for longer and not too intense workouts.
After your workout, always help your muscles to recover: a balanced snack or the next meal, containing a minimum 15-20g protein, and make sure to rehydrate well.
You need to replenish after your workout - this is no "dieting" time!
I love to make shakes after my workouts - usually, I use vegan protein (rice, green peas, hemp, pumpkin seeds), marine collagen, nuts and seeds and pieces of banana, mango or papaya, maybe 1-2 spoons of quinoa or buckwheat flakes.
A cold salad with red lentils pasta, avocado and smoked salmon is also among my favorites.
3. Do I plan to go to sleep in the next 2-3h and I don't plan to move anymore for the day?
Then I don't need fast sugars (nor alcohol - as alcohol is another form of sugar) nor too many calories, and I'd go for a light meal, to promote a good evening unwinding and sleep.
Food ideas:
- chickpeas and cucumber salad with smoked salmon, tamari sauce and avocado
- veggies of your choice in the oven with a piece of meat or fish
4. I'm hungry 1h before a main meal of the day - and I don't plan to be active before that meal?
I first make sure that I'm well hydrated (sometimes we tend confounding our thirst for hunger) and if still hungry in 10-15min I take a tiny balanced snack:
- I love Roobar protein bars (almond or hazelnut ones have a 12g of no-soy vegan protein)
- a few buckwheat or quinoa crackers (I like Vilmas) with seeds (= slow carbs + good fats + protein)
Reality check!
Now... all good with the above, but the reality still comes over us sometimes.
Let's say that you've started the day with a healthy, balanced breakfast, but your morning didn't look as planned - either in terms of movement or in terms of stress (both are players for our blood sugar balance).
What to do? We'll feel very hungry when we finally sit for the next meal, and we'll tend to overeat. And while it may actually be even needed to eat a few bites more, here are a few tips to help you make better decisions:
stay hydrated
avoid fast sugars
eat slowly, masticate well
eat part of the protein of the meal first, along with good fats and fiber (i.e. your fish or meat with avocado and veggies); only after the first, say, 10 bites, start your slow carbs (when you already feel that your hunger lost its power)
avoid eating in front of screens (even more if you're not someone too calorie-aware - otherwise you'll most likely tend to overeat)
Of course, it is also important not to exceed your caloric needs, and to keep a decent macro-nutritional balance (enough sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats).
To have an estimation of the calories you need, you can use a calorie & bmi calculator (here's one below!) - and to have some good info on how balanced your meals are you can have a bit of fun with myfitnesspal application. It will turn out to be a little time-consuming but it's worth using it for a few days - it will make you more calorie-aware and support you to find more balance in your choices for macronutrients.
Best luck with making healthy choices!!
And if you have questions, I'm here!