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The Female-Smart Nutrition chapter of FIT JOY will be launched on 18.10.2024, the World Menopause Day.

It will consist in two parts: 

1. Nutrition for Peri-Menopause

2. Nutrition for Post-Menopause

Each of the chapters will bring clear guideline for each of the two phases, pointing out the specificity and the needs for nutrition and supplementation, weight management, energy and general health.

The Perimenopause chapter consists of a comprehensive roadmap and guidelines to support the hormonal phases of the cycle with food and best practices for optimal health, immunity and weight management, while also offering natural solutions to effectively fix the PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), a set of symptoms affecting up to 95% of the women crossing their childbearing years. 

(PMS Symptoms: headaches and migraines, feeling bloated, water retention, acne, sore breasts, rigidity in the body, cravings (especially sweets), constipation, fatigue, emotional swings, anxiety / depression, difficult digestion.)

The Postmenopause chapter treats food as what it's always been: a health friend and healer. From increasing bone density and muscles mass to lowering the impact of migraines, hot flashes and night sweats, support for digestive issues and autoimmune conditions, expect a guide that will support your health, shape and mood after the menopause, for the longest time. 

Special attention is given to gut health, decreasing inflammation in the body and addressing food as symptom-healers, optimising our relationship with our food while feeling every day in better shape and stronger.

If this talks to you, you can pre-register below to receive more information as soon as the two chapters are launched, and to qualify for a 20% discount.

Mina, 47yo, Senior accountant (Germany)

"Realising that I don't need hours and hours to train was a real "aha" moment for me - I changed my game and got better results in just a few weeks!!! Highly recommended!"

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